The Story of Myagdi Organisation UK (MO UK)


The Myagdi District of Nepal is situated in the North West of the country, at the foot of the Himalayas. It is an area of great beauty which enjoys a gentle climate in its’ valleys enabling a wide range of crops to grow, from tropical fruits to rice and grain, while livestock is moved from valley to hillside as the seasons allow. Thus, the chief occupation of its’ people is agriculture although great efforts are made to develop its’ industrial and commercial life. Most especially, perhaps, tourism. The population of some 1,13,000 ( one lakh and 13,000 ) lives in what were 41 villages although some have since grown to become towns, leaving 35 villages. Beni Bazaar Municipality is the capital of the District and, itself, now incorporates 6 villages but we still tend to speak of the 41 Villages of Myagdi. Every village has its’ Village Development Committee. 

Our activities, of which we are justly proud, have included, apart from the welfare of our people here, responding generously to the Nepalese Earthquake Fund Appeal and our own Myagdi Ambulance Appeal. In this we bought and fully equipped 3 off-road ambulances capable of reaching and providing medical aid to many of the areas of Myagdi that previously could only take the injured or ill to medical help on the backs of their relatives or friends. We also provided funding for the ongoing upkeep and maintenance of the vehicles. We have consistently responded to calls for help from Myagdi communities hit by landslides and flooding or in urgent need for repair or improvement of schools and health, education and social facilities. We are always open to new appeals for our help and support. Currently we have 2 major fund-raising projects: one seeks to provide Wi-Fi coverage throughout Myagdi, the other is to finance the attempt to regain his crown as the oldest man to conquer Everest by our Myagdeli hero Min Bahadur Sherchan 86 years young

The population comprises the whole range of Nepalese castes and all contribute to the rich culture of our homeland. For 200 years the British Army has recruited predominantly from Western Nepal and so Myagdi has a proud tradition of sending its’ sons to serve Great Britain as Gurkha soldiers. More recently our people have gone to find work and, they hope, wealth in lands throughout the World but we all share a common love and devotion for our Myagdi home. There are some ( I, Khim Sherchan, will update with this information in due course ) Myagdeli now living in the UK with Permanent Right To Remain. Myagdi Organisation UK (MO UK) is the organization of Myagdeli now resident here. MONA UK was officially established in August 2006 although we first came together in 1998. The Association was formed to provide welfare for all Myagdeli living in the UK and in our home district Myagdi, Nepal: to maintain the bonds between the Maygdeli in the UK and our people back in Nepal; to help us to integrate into the British society while preserving Myagdeli culture, traditions and ethos; and organising festivals and celebrations for all in our Association to enjoy together. 


Objectives of MOUK

For the benefit, the charity’s object is to assist with the relief of persons who are in need because of poverty.